Keynote Safety Speaker Lee Shelby

Transform Safety Culture with Keynote Speaker Lee Shelby

In the final quarter of 2024, we’re excited to propose an opportunity to enhance your facility’s safety culture by bringing in Lee Shelby, an occupational injury survivor and motivational safety speaker.

Keynote Safety Speaker Lee Shelby
Keynote Safety Speaker Lee Shelby

After experiencing a life-changing accident involving over 13,200 volts of electricity that resulted in the loss of both hands, Lee has dedicated his life to sharing his inspiring story and interactive presentations, empowering audiences to prioritize safety in their personal and professional lives.

We believe that hosting Lee at your facility would be an invaluable experience for your team, fostering a stronger commitment to safety. 

“The True Cost of Overlooking Safety” – Presentation Objectives:

  • Shift Your Mindset on Safety: Learn to prioritize safety in all aspects of life.
  • Recognize the Risks: Understand how shortcuts, complacency, and distractions can lead to severe injuries or death.
  • Discover the Hidden Consequences: See how accidents impact not only you but also your loved ones.
  • Aim for an Accident-Free Workplace: Take personal responsibility for your safety and the safety of those around you.
  • Commit to Daily Safety: Embrace safety as a non-negotiable, daily practice.

Watch Lee in action:

We’d be thrilled to discuss how we can bring this to life and coordinate the details of his visit.

Best regards,

Charlie Morecraft & Associates
(800) 783-0796 (Toll Free)
1.561.997.1120 (Within US)
[email protected]